photo hand reading Tactile Graphic
Braille dots spelling Tactile Graphics

About Lucia Hasty

Photo of Lucia

A certified teacher of blind or visually impaired learners, Lucia incorporates in each training her experience from 17 years teaching students with disabilities and 18 years in administrative positions in the field. She coordinated a curriculum development project, a recreational facility for children and adults with disabilities, and Colorado's state instructional materials center for students with vision disabilities. Retired from education, she is a consultant, conducting workshops, developing training materials on tactile graphics for a variety of audiences, and providing support to agencies and school districts. She serves on Colorado's Braille Competency Committee as a proctor and braille mentor.

She has authored many articles for professional journals, is a co-author of the recent BANA Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, is co-author of the upcoming The Secret Language of Lines: A curriculum for achieving graphicacy. She served on the Tactile Graphics Committees of Braille Authority of North America (BANA) as chair, BANA/Canadian Braille Authority Joint Committee as co-chair, National Braille Association as past chair and is a member of the tactile graphics committee of International Council on English Braille. She has taught higher education courses as adjunct faculty and currently serves on a number of federally funded research and development projects relating to tactile graphics. She serves on the advisory boards of NASA Standard Touch, Dolphin Alternate Format Advisory Group, AHEAD's Alt Format Advisory Group, and Bookshare's DIAGRAM Center Advisory Board.

You may contact her via email: